Archive for December, 2006


Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

I heard about MacSanta from Punk Kid the other day. MacSanta is a web site where a bunch of indie developers (83 at last count) have banded together to offer an across the board 20% dicsount on their software. I was very happy to add MemoryMiner to the list, and so far it’s been great. […]

On sale in Japan

Monday, December 18th, 2006

Happy Monday. Last Friday, MemoryMiner went on sale in Japan through the well known publisher Act2. They publish Comic Life, the OmniGroup applications, iViewMedia Pro and many other well known and respected products, so I think we’re in good company. We’d been working together quite hard over the last few months preparing MemoryMiner for the […]

Aperture Support

Monday, December 4th, 2006

For a while now, people have been asking about support for their Aperture libraries, and in 1.21 which we just released, now “it’s in there” (just like the old TV commercial for Ragu brand spaghetti sauce). While we were at it, we were able to tweak our web export, integrate a better IPTC/EXIF parser, improve […]